Saturday, 21 February 2015

MySQL quick tips

MySQL useful information:

Info retrieval:

#To retrieve the list of index and primary keys of a table, below query can be used.
show index from tablename;

#To get the list of triggers in the database
show triggers;

#To see triggers related to particular table
show triggers like 'tablename';

#To see the create statement of a table
show create table tablename;

#To create a table just like another existing table
create table newtable like oldtable;

#To see the query execution plan, how MySQL would execute or which index would be used/considered
explain select * from tablename;
Look at the key column to know which index is actually going to be used by MySQL while this query execution. To understand explain output, check

#You can force MySQL to use your index, if you wish to.
Have a look at

#To see the partitions of table
explain partitions select * from tablename;

#To see all database threads or process or to know what queries are currently being run:
show processlist;

#To know about the database replication status ( slave-IO-thread and Slave-SQL-thread are Yes, then replication is working fine)
show slave status\G

#To know the master co-ordinates and file
show master status\G

# To get the count of rows in all table in a database.
mysqlshow --count -hDBIP -uUSER -p databasename 
     - This will count rows in each table and populate.


#To take the backup of MySQL database,
mysqldump --singletransaction -hDBIP -uUSER -p databasename > backupfile.sql

#To take only few particular tables of a database
mysqldump --singletransaction -hDBIP -uUSER -p  databasename table1 table2 > backupfile.sql

#To extract only schema and routines/functions without any data
mysqldump --no-data --routines -hDBIP -uUSER -p databasename > backupfile.sql

#To skip / exclude any tables while doing backup.
mysqldump --singletransaction -hDBIP -uUSER -p  dbname --ignore-table=dbname.table1 --ignore-table=dbname.table2 > backupfile.sql

Restore it:

#To restore database using a backup file
#Login to database server and ensure the file is present in the server.
mysql -uUSER -p databasename < backupfile.sql

Note: You cannot restore few/partial tables out of a backup file which holds data of whole database.
     Always check if there is any error thrown in the output

More options and details are available at the reference link below.
